2015 is one year I must say a prper goodbye

Man, what an absolutely strange set of monthly updates I have made. I Guess I must also Apologize again for my absence, however it will all be explained. I am still "out of town", but still in contact. Just loving the latest set of comments.

I so would like to give a loud shout out to all my loyal fan--Thanks for sticking with me since August

If you think my newest writing is deep, just wait

As I promised

As my loyal fans already know, I have run into a "one after another" shitstrom. On top of that, I have had personal mental health problems, but I have figured out a way to "trump" my previous writings.

This will be my first "writing trilogy", but not my last. I am reluctant to come out with " Best of Both Worlds Part 2" until I get a fresher journalistic prospective.

It may or may not drive me to drink, but I wish so much to finish more of what I am truly about

Friday, April 18, 2014

Mistaken Impressions

          The shark is one of the oldest living organism's and it has shown no signs of becoming extinct. It has maintained it's supremacy of the oceans because it is most likely the most fit animal on earth. It has evolved a great sense of smell, but it's eyesight is horrible, hence the real danger this surfer faces every day of fun. It is within the sharks nature to both see him as a injured seal and to attack him as if he were an injured seal.

          We as humans try and make sense of the world we are brought into, we often group things by what they look like and form an opinion without looking deeper. Stereo-types and pre-conceived notions break down social bonds much the same way water breaks down molecular bonds. Water is soft, but will dissolve it all-Words are intangible and yet they can hurt like a knife.

 Sharks like to feel things out, but some times they just take a bite. While the surfer is both offended and relieved that he tastes awful, the damage has been done.

It is widely known that not everything is as it seems, it is also known that first impressions count.

Sell yourself correctly and truthfully

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Boy in the surf

Boy in the surf