2015 is one year I must say a prper goodbye

Man, what an absolutely strange set of monthly updates I have made. I Guess I must also Apologize again for my absence, however it will all be explained. I am still "out of town", but still in contact. Just loving the latest set of comments.

I so would like to give a loud shout out to all my loyal fan--Thanks for sticking with me since August

If you think my newest writing is deep, just wait

As I promised

As my loyal fans already know, I have run into a "one after another" shitstrom. On top of that, I have had personal mental health problems, but I have figured out a way to "trump" my previous writings.

This will be my first "writing trilogy", but not my last. I am reluctant to come out with " Best of Both Worlds Part 2" until I get a fresher journalistic prospective.

It may or may not drive me to drink, but I wish so much to finish more of what I am truly about

Friday, June 6, 2014

Nothing Human

          To flip out, wig out, snap, blow a mind gasket, some one or something has just lit your fuse, you better run. We have seen more tragedies in the last 10 years than there has been since Leonardo da Vinci, that means something, doesn't?

          So woven is this web, so needless. Elementary School Shootings and Stabbings, Goddamn-it anyways. What in the sheep herders flocking Hell

          People are under so much undue stress, I really can't blame those whom are ready to just "go bonkers". All of you whom are rude ass drivers, spreading hate not love, throwing demented faces not Heart-felt smiles---You are to blame, but not all together though.

          Shadows and sunlight, good and evil. Light has a source, it shines bright, making the roaches scurry under things. Things that block the light, like ignorance. Shadows need that block to continue being shadows.

          Huge industrial factories pumping out so much filth that nature herself can't keep up with. Type 6 plastic is the only room temperature solid water can't dissolve and rivers that have been around for millennia have surrendered to "man". But not for long, soon a wrath never before seen will soon do what it does best, remodel.

          Unfortunately, Lions, Tigers and Bears will be cutting there feet on broken glass until the Sun goes Nova!

          Well shit, maybe not so much any more, but "back in the day" animals were subjected to experimental perfumes and pigments often leading to severe allergic reactions. In the name of science we rationed for years, until those tree-hugging squeamish kooks, like me, said enough, you heartless, mindless whack-jobs.

          Take that "fire in the belly"that you should have and use it to blind the piss of out those fools.

Everything, everything has a design. I am sorry, but I have to nip this in the bud right now. A design implies purpose and a purpose implies a program. OK, genius's, now what. A program implies a programer, GOD. Whom or What ever you know that to be, it is and we all have a direct line.

Here is a scenario that best fits our situation as I understand it. Momma is run ragged, the whole house is trashed, grand-ma's garden has foot prints all over it and brother and sister are fighting and won't stop. Now, what do you think might happen when Papa gets home from work.

Operator, can you connect me back to 000 myself, please.

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Boy in the surf

Boy in the surf