"What is a piece of work is man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculty, in form, in moving, how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god"-----William Shakespeare-----
Human is not just a word, it's a term. Kindness of heart, generosity of spirit, curiosity of mind and playfulness of soul, that's Humans being. Being Human is not just having 23 pairs of chromosomes belonging to the sub-species Primate. It involves a whole range of thinking, most people are not used to. Humanity is a larger than life jigsaw puzzle and the reason it is not yet assembled is so simple, it has completely blown my mind.
We as Humans are still evolving. In most animals, the Vertebrae connects to the back of the skull. The Vertebrae of an ape connects to the bottom. This allowed a unique formation of our brains. The Cerebrum is rapped around the Cerebellum causing an astronomical leap in independent thought and an equal drop in aggressive impulses.
Music soothes even the wildest beast, for us, it spurred the need for society! Building efforts and material know-how has evolved with us and now we have cities like New York. Chimpanzee's also have massive wars, brutal invasions that are as necessary to them as it is to us. While regarded as our closet relatives, the Bonobo have a peaceful coexistence with those who follow strict Hierarchical guidelines. Those that choose an other path often are forced away. Natural Law is Paramount, rock solid, like a Chevrolet.
Some one who won't let a visitor leave without something to eat, A person who would, without question, step in front of a truck for a perfect or even an in-perfect stranger. If there is one thing a Human can't stand, it is a problem with no solution. Further more, to watch a disaster occur and to do nothing is inconceivable to a Human.
Direct intervention is too difficult for any number of people without a common cause and proper communication. Each act of kindness spreads like wild flowers, Each act of meanness spreads like wild fire. The difference is that fire has to burn out, that's it's nature. A flowers nature is to live, let live and grow without end. However, Volcanic ash is the best flower food ever.
Every thing circles something, always around again and we Humans can fly circles around our world and in our minds.
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