2015 is one year I must say a prper goodbye

Man, what an absolutely strange set of monthly updates I have made. I Guess I must also Apologize again for my absence, however it will all be explained. I am still "out of town", but still in contact. Just loving the latest set of comments.

I so would like to give a loud shout out to all my loyal fan--Thanks for sticking with me since August

If you think my newest writing is deep, just wait

As I promised

As my loyal fans already know, I have run into a "one after another" shitstrom. On top of that, I have had personal mental health problems, but I have figured out a way to "trump" my previous writings.

This will be my first "writing trilogy", but not my last. I am reluctant to come out with " Best of Both Worlds Part 2" until I get a fresher journalistic prospective.

It may or may not drive me to drink, but I wish so much to finish more of what I am truly about

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Author's Request

          I have been completely blown away on how many Countries have shown up in my stat board. I have got back virtually all my viewers from Project Pretty Boy MRK 1, but one stat is missing. Somewhere in the most desolate region on Earth, some one from Antarctica came a stat I will never forget and will always be proud of. What is the probability that my BLOG would be viewed from a place that is so removed from the world we know.

          Some one out there at the bottom of the world is some one that can once again give the most awesome stat board I could ever hope for. All seven Continents is something most BLOG's don't have and if I get it, I will make a page long tribute to a place most will never go, most would not want to go and so many more know nothing about.

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Boy in the surf

Boy in the surf