2015 is one year I must say a prper goodbye

Man, what an absolutely strange set of monthly updates I have made. I Guess I must also Apologize again for my absence, however it will all be explained. I am still "out of town", but still in contact. Just loving the latest set of comments.

I so would like to give a loud shout out to all my loyal fan--Thanks for sticking with me since August

If you think my newest writing is deep, just wait

As I promised

As my loyal fans already know, I have run into a "one after another" shitstrom. On top of that, I have had personal mental health problems, but I have figured out a way to "trump" my previous writings.

This will be my first "writing trilogy", but not my last. I am reluctant to come out with " Best of Both Worlds Part 2" until I get a fresher journalistic prospective.

It may or may not drive me to drink, but I wish so much to finish more of what I am truly about

Thursday, March 28, 2013

     I have been trying to get this website back up and running for a whole list of reasons. I have got back almost all my previous viewers, thanks to Bambie-Boys and Agenda-Boys. Each have a similar and yet different view, like the rest of us-you and me. Our Blogs have stood strong, despite being shut-down once or twice. Mind you, we are all separate entities, but we are the voices of reason. There are other Blogs out there for sure. However, these are the ones that gave me the most immediate response, respect---<3---of coarse Ken's Garden Shed is definitely a "friend"<3---

     In short, There is a loosely tied group of Blogs that don't blur "That Line". We share our photo's, both owned and found on the free web, and our thought's on this world we live in together.

I would love some comments and feedback so I Know where "you" the viewer stand as well...

----I will only Link with a site that has descent subject matter, by that I mean some thing like "Queensburry Rules", like the boxing protocols.

----Glove's Up"---

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Boy in the surf

Boy in the surf