2015 is one year I must say a prper goodbye

Man, what an absolutely strange set of monthly updates I have made. I Guess I must also Apologize again for my absence, however it will all be explained. I am still "out of town", but still in contact. Just loving the latest set of comments.

I so would like to give a loud shout out to all my loyal fan--Thanks for sticking with me since August

If you think my newest writing is deep, just wait

As I promised

As my loyal fans already know, I have run into a "one after another" shitstrom. On top of that, I have had personal mental health problems, but I have figured out a way to "trump" my previous writings.

This will be my first "writing trilogy", but not my last. I am reluctant to come out with " Best of Both Worlds Part 2" until I get a fresher journalistic prospective.

It may or may not drive me to drink, but I wish so much to finish more of what I am truly about

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Right And Wrong Are Just Words Part 2

          We all live in this world together, whether we like it or not and we must find a way to lessen the friction between us all. How, there are so many ways to commit "taboo's" intentional or not. For example, some consider a burp a blessing to a meal and if you don't burp, it's considered an insult. Some laws change as soon as you cross a boarder, what makes it alright for one thing but not the other in one area and not the other. 
To make a written rule arbitrarily and to enforce it blindly is just stupid, mean and full of malice, not justice.

There very much is a right and wrong, it's in your heart, you feel it deep. There have been "arab" men who have refused to follow doctrine, to treat there "Baby Girl" with respect, to hell with her being illiterate. That took guts and heart, which is needed to power the "engine of change".

Choose wisely what you consider right and wrong and all our lives will be better for it.

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Boy in the surf